1. Who has the best hair? (KH and FF)
Riku, Sora and Roxas.
Rikus is just...just..HOTT.
And I love spiky hair xD
2. If you could cosplay anyone (not including one you have already cosplayed) who would it be?
Well, Im already Roxas and Sora..Sooo..
Probably Cloud or Riku :3
3. Where would you live in Kingdom Hearts?
Destiny Islands for sure
I love anything Tropical. Its like..MY LIFE.
4. Who would be your best friend? :3
Riku and Sora and I little bit of Roxas and Axel in there lol
5. Who's your favorite KH character and what would their theme song be? (lol?)
Sora, and he has many many theme songs :3
6. What would your theme song be?
Erm. Gotta think about this.. >__>
7. Stripes or checkers?
Stripes. THOUGH I <3 Checkers
8. Vanilla or Chocolate?
Chocolate PX
9. Very Happy or Razz
10. Pork or chicken?